Community Connection’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a treatment option designed for those who need more support than standard outpatient therapies offer, but not quite the intensity of residential treatment. As with both of our programs, IOP creates a therapeutic group, where relationships are developed based on mutual sharing and support. Community Connection’s IOP is designed to increase each members’ self confidence, commitment to recovery and emotional resiliency, while decreasing the shame, secrecy and isolation that so often perpetuate symptoms of an eating disorder.
IOP is group-based and incorporates individual therapy, psychotherapy education, nutrition education, family therapy and expressive therapies. Therapists encourage members to use the support of the therapeutic environment to develop and practice their recovery skills.
Group Members meet four days per week. The sessions include daily sessions with licensed therapists and dietitians. IOP includes supported snack time and meal time per day, facilitated by a therapist or dietitian, and is designed to address thoughts, emotions and behaviors before, during and after eating. Meal plans are individualized and modified to incorporate specific needs. Individualized treatment goals are developed in collaboration with a multidisciplinary treatment team, including the members SMI or GMH outpatient team to ensure continuity of care.
Each individual will be treated by a licensed therapist. Individual therapy sessions will assist the member in exploring the patterns and meaning of his/her eating disordered behaviors and beliefs, assist in developing insight into his/her needs and challenges, create motivation and strategies for change, and facilitate maintenance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle
Process groups are daily therapeutic groups that encourage individuals to share with others in a safe environment. The ideals of process group include honesty, empathy, self-awareness, mutual help and cooperation, non-judgment and appropriate assertiveness. Process groups facilitate a sense of hope, relationship building, belongingness, optimism and communication.
Body Image Group focuses on supporting and challenging members as they
identify and practice steps toward body acceptance through body desensitization. Over the course of this group members will learn to replace dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors related to their bodies, food and emotional concerns with acceptance and appropriate appearance and body image.
Community Connections believes that it takes a team to encourage and support recovery. From the day a member enters treatment at the IOP to the follow up he/she receives after completing the IOP program at Community Connections, is all part of the plan and support involved in their recovery. The clinical team at Community Connections including the therapist, dietitian, coordinators, outpatient team, and his/her natural supports will work together to ensure he/she is on the right track to recovery and
is making progress in his/her treatment.
Each member will develop a relapse prevention plan prior to discharge from the IOP. In addition, each individual and their treatment team will identify follow-up care (outpatient therapist, dietitian), community resources/natural supports, additional outpatient
recommendations and appointments and support groups as they develop their discharge plan.
Prior to discharge each member will have completed their identified goals, have a solid discharge plan and developed a relapse prevention plan.
We recognize that each individual has a unique story, and his or her own distinctive strengths and challenges. With input from the individual, his or her loved ones, and our experts, we develop an Eating Disorder Treatment plan for each individual.